Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March Updates

So I gave my standard spiel about the Zine and submissions at the last club meeting and I also posted a link to this blog on the Facebook page, so I hope those of you who come to check us out will like what you see!

As an update, I have a ton of art and photographs for the next issue, but we are desperately in need of text articles (anime/manga reviews, fanfiction, cosplay tips, etc.).  If you have something you want to write about, send it in!  It is (practically) guaranteed to be published.  If you would like to write something but don't really know what to write about, you can contact me at the Zine e-mail ( and we can bounce some ideas around.

Just because we have enough art and photography for the next issue doesn't mean we won't accept those anymore!  If you have art and photographs you really want to see published, send it in anyway and we will hold it for the next issue.

I am also interested in possibly getting someone onto the publishing team to do a bit of graphic design for us, mostly doing covers for each issue and possibly designing some headers for the different sections of the Zine.  So if you love art and have a talent for Photoshop, GIMP, or other graphics editing programs and you would be interested in helping the Zine a couple of times a year, please e-mail the address above!

That's all for now; stay tuned for more updates and the next issue of the Onigiri E-Zine!

The Editor-in-Chief